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WE Credit 1: Water Efficient Landscaping



To increase water efficiency within buildings to reduce the burden on municipal water supply and wastewater systems.



Employ strategies that in aggregate use 20% less water than the water use baseline calculated for the building (not including irrigation).

Calculate the baseline according to the commercial and/or residential baselines outlined below. Calculations are based on estimated occupant usage and must include only the following fixtures and fixture fittings (as applicable to the project scope): water closets, urinals, lavatory faucets, showers, kitchen sink faucets and prerinse spray valves.

The following fixtures, fittings and appliances are outside the scope of the water use reduction calculation:

  • Commercial Steam Cookers

  • Commercial Dishwashers

  • Automatic Commercial Ice Makers

  • Commercial (family sized) Clothes Washers

  • Residential Clothes Washers

  • Standard and Compact Residential Dishwashers


Potential technologies & Strategies


Water Sense-certified fixtures and fixture fittings should be used where available. Use high-efficiency fixtures (e.g., water closets and urinals) and dry fixtures, such as toilets attached to composting systems, to reduce potable water demand. Consider using alternative on-site sources of water (e.g., rainwater, storm water, and air conditioner condensate) and graywater for non-potable applications such as custodial uses and toilet and urinal flushing. The quality of any alternative source of water used must be taken into consideration based on its application or use.


FBK Solutions


Water use reduction:47.02 %

  • Water closet (RIGEL W3-KWC9707CS10): Dual Flush 2.5L /43.5L

  • WC Touch Flush Valve – Concealed Box (RIGEL 101MFLST): 4.5 per flush

  • Lavatory Faucet (RIGEL W3-R-SCT-101): 2L per minute

  • Urinal (RIGEL W3-R-AFS202CLT): 0.5L per flush

  • Shower head (RIGEL W3-KSA219): 4L per minute

  • Kitchen sink (RIGEL W3-R-CY121KC): 4L per minute


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20-24 Kwai Wing Road, Kwai Chung, NT, HONG KONG | Tel: 2401 6688 | Fax: 2480 5486

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