WEc2: Innovative wastewater technologies
To reduce wastewater generation and potable water demand while increasing the local aquifer recharge.
Option 1
Reduce potable water use for building sewage conveyance by 50% through the use of water-conserving fixtures (e.g., water closets, urinals) or non-potable water (e.g., captured rainwater, recycled graywater, on-site or municipally treated wastewater).
Option 2
Treat 50% of wastewater on-site to tertiary standards. Treated water must be infiltrated or used on-site.
Potential technologies & Strategies
Specify high-efficiency fixtures and dry fixtures (e.g., composting toilet systems, nonwater-using urinals) to reduce wastewater volumes. Consider reusing stormwater or graywater for sewage conveyance or on-site mechanical and/or natural wastewater treatment systems. Options for on-site wastewater treatment include packaged biological nutrient removal systems, constructed wetlands and high-efficiency filtration systems.
FBK Solutions
Total volume of water demand for flushing toilet: 3,330 m3 (whole years)
Effective rainwater collection: 11,442 m3 (whole years)
=> Don't need portable water for sewage conveyance.
All irrigation water and flushing toilet water would be used from Rainwater harvesting.
=> To reduce wastewater generation and potable water demand while increasing the local aquifer recharge.