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SS c5.2: Site Development—Maximize open Space


To promote biodiversity by providing a high ratio of open space to development footprint.



Case 1. Sites with Local Zoning open space requirements

Reduce the development footprint and/or provide vegetated open space within the project boundary such that the amount of open space exceeds local zoning requirements by 25%.

Case 2. Sites with No Local Zoning requirements (e.g. some university campuses, military bases)

Provide a vegetated open space area adjacent to the building that is equal in area to the building footprint.


Case 3. Sites with Zoning ordinances but No open space requirements

Provide vegetated open space equal to 20% of the project site area.

All Cases

For projects in urban areas that earn SS Credit 2: Development Density and Community Connectivity, vegetated roof areas can contribute to credit compliance.

For projects in urban areas that earn SS Credit 2: Development Density and Community Connectivity, pedestrian-oriented hardscape areas can contribute to credit compliance. For such projects, a minimum of 25% of the open space counted must be vegetated.

Wetlands or naturally designed ponds may count as open space and the side slope gradients average 1:4 (vertical: horizontal) or less and are vegetated.

Potential technologies & Strategies

Perform a site survey to identify site elements and adopt a master plan for developing the project site. Select a suitable building location and design the building footprint to minimize site disruption. Strategies include stacking the building program, tuck-under parking and sharing parking facilities with neighbors to maximize the amount of open space on the site.

FBK Solutions

Site area restored or protected (Green area): 4,051.97 m2

=> To promote biodiversity by providing a high ratio of open space to development footprint.


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20-24 Kwai Wing Road, Kwai Chung, NT, HONG KONG | Tel: 2401 6688 | Fax: 2480 5486

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